Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cost vs. Value--'07 Report Available

OK. So you are on the fence about whether to do a major remodel (scrape it to the floor) or a minor remodel (replace appliances and countertops) for your kitchen. It definitely needs something. But you've been indecisive for months. How to get off the fence?

Take a look at this year's Remodeling magazine analysis of the payback rates for various renovation projects. As in past years, the bottom line is that most remodeling projects return more than their costs here in the Bay Area (and the Pacific Region, for that matter). Not so the case nationwide. But then there are the surprises that you can muse on in the shower. Why is it that the return rate is lower here for siding replacement than on average, across the nation? Which is the "best" investment (wooden deck addition) and the "worst" investment (back-up power generator).

And by the way, the data say you get a 7% value bump from a minor remodel compared to a major remodel--

eMail me for a copy of the report.

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