Thursday, August 27, 2009

Put September 15th on Your Calendar Today!

That's the deadline for submitting an application for a downward adjustment in your property assessment (resulting in a reduction in property taxes). Two great resources are:

--the county assessor's site, which includes all the forms and deadlines, and

--this video from the state Board of Equalization, which walks through the process piece by piece.

Remember that only your ''Prop 13'' property tax will be affected by a reassessment; the other charges on your bill (for instance, city and school parcel taxes; and 911, East Bay parks, library bond payments) won't decline. And if you, like we, bought your home a dozen years ago, your assessment is unlikely to have increased in the intervening years to current market value, much less to higher-than-current value.

I'm happy to run comparables for you to build your case, or to see if an appeal is worth it; just ask.

This is likely to be the first year that Piedmonters have a prayer of arguing for a tax reduction, given that prices had not yet dipped by January 2008 (this year's assessment is based on Jan. '09 value). Let me know if you were successful last year!

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